Saturday, November 13, 2010

Missing In "Action!"

"NO!" Says the Braskies in their song "Heart & Soul". My Favorite song from them. And I miss that song. I believe the last time I heard the song was... Well, I thinking in Tucson when we did a show with them at the Living Room. Only a hand full of people showed up. Felt bad that They came all the way down here and played to 10 people. Better than nothing, you know?

It reminds me of them from when the AZ Ska Weekend in April. After Reggie left. It seem to me that all local music died in AZ. Or maybe it's just me. The Braskies are back now, yet. Still seems they are not as flexible as they use to. Feels like I'm doing the same with me here and doing nothing all of a sudden. I keep telling myself that it's just me being too busy with work. But even with that said, I can still do something on the side. Too bored to where I want/need to go to ever show I can, but can't. I'm missing a big part of me when I moved out here. I miss getting out there in playing to myself in a bedroom, or go as far as Flagstaff to play in from of a great number of people. I miss it a lot.

I am trying to get a band together still with my friend DJ in Garden Grove. I feel between him and I we can make a kickass band. I can really feel it. But no luck with a drummer. I am playing bass in a ska punk band with my friend Matt. But No dice on getting together as one to do so.

I just hope when I do get into a band, I haven't lost my musician's skill. :/


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