Monday, October 18, 2010

Dear Lobby,

It came to me in a dream to clean the mess and build whatever I found. But I feel like I'm bit off more than I can chew. However, I do know their are people that like to have the same ideas like you and I. Sure I didn't say much, but I was just there to hear you talk. So what if you were drunk. I don't give a fuck. That's the way you like to get down. Cool by me. I just feel like people that talk about unity and keeping friends tight are the same people that believe in unity. But there's more than just talking about it and doing something. It's like that punk joke... "How many punks does it take to change a light bulb? 20... 19 to bitch about it and one to do something about it." Let's break that stereotype.

We can start off small. And as for me. I'm not from here. It's very hard to start something, but don't know where to start. I've found a few groups of people that can help me. But writing an article here is not really going to do much. However... look at me. I took a newsletter and I seem to go to all of these places and that's how I found and met some cool people. I have the groups of nonprofits and small organizations. I just need some kind of support. I'm still new here and I like to know everyone to be friends with. And to not be strangers.

So here's my promise to Lobby and everyone else... Someway and somehow. I'll bring it back to it's friendliness in the scene. Why hang out with only a few friends, and not everyone? And it's not even about that. I'd just like to see everyone get along with everyone. I think once everyone is cool with everyone, that we'll be able to hang all out at once.

I'll do my best Lobby and friends....


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